
  • 拉斯维加斯一个冲到休息室歌手, 杰克色丁 (汉密尔顿冯瓦), 没有钱, 没有工作, 成名的愿望和妄想. 当杰克是被迫离…
  • Nassim是巴黎一所重点高中的优秀学生,他看上去和同伴们一样无忧无虑。没人怀疑他身处何种现实。他刚刚失去自己的…
  • A teenager who abandoned a violent Peru in the 90s, reunites in Montreal with this father, who now has a n…
  • A verger, who likes to dress as a priest, is invited, by one of the villagers, to be the pastor at a vacan…
  • A failed treasure hunter tricks his girlfriend into going on a vacation to Mallorca, hoping to both fix th…
  • On their last day of summer, four high-school girls confront sex, violence and their uncertain future as t…
  • 一个人烟稀少的殴洲小镇,平日连窃盗案都没有,竟然出现恐怖的连续杀人案件,小镇居民在一个月内陆续死亡,女警塔…
  • 被乐队和家人扫地出门后,玩世不恭的吉他手投靠一名会计及其儿子和父亲。他们能否共谱甜蜜乐章?