
  • While visiting a massacre memorial, a photographer finds herself drawn to a local woman. But their romance…
  • Entrapped in his apartment, Randal Hendricks, a recent paraplegic, is given a gift of binoculars by his de…
  • Remake of 2019 Telugu film Jersey.
  • 阿尔卑斯山滑雪佳地,一瑞典家庭在就餐时遇到了雪崩,丈夫托马斯只顾自己逃命不救妻孥,引发了家庭危机……  一…
  • In an attempt to piece together fractured memories of a drug-fueled night in the woods, three friends conf…
  • 五个有着家庭的好朋友,有一天决定共享一个阁楼去和各自的情人幽会。所有的事情看上去都天衣无缝,直到有一天,一…
  • 古老广袤的非洲大陆,千百年流传着一个极其残酷的习俗,这里的女孩长到一定年龄时就要接受割礼。所谓割礼,即割除…
  • 柏林的普伦茨劳尔贝格区。在这个夏日的尽头,一切都将不再相同。只是丹尼尔还不知道这件事。这个悲剧性情景的主人…