
  • Stina a single mother has fallen on hard times. When she has hit rock bottom she is offered a job on a rea…
  • In Truman Kewley's disturbing psycho-thriller debut, a sociopathic amateur film-maker kidnaps the woman he…
  • 杰森·霍尔([美国狙击手])将自编自导聚焦摔跤明星Anthony Robles的新片[势不可挡](Unstoppable,暂译)。…
  • 娜塔莉亚发现丈夫埃内斯托有外遇,于是展开调查,不料丈夫的情人竟是21岁的年轻男子丹尼尔,丹尼尔不仅深爱着埃内…
  • Emi must deal with his magician parent's disappearance after a trick spirals out of control.
  • San Kaew is a cunning girl who disguised herself as a boy to find her real dad. She then finally meets him…
  • 《哈莱姆教父》由克里斯·布兰卡托和保罗·埃克斯坦创作,奥斯卡奖得主福里斯特·惠特克担任主演和执行制片人,灵…
  • 本剧改编自Thomas Perry的同名畅销书。杰夫·布里吉斯饰演的Dan Chase是一个退休的CIA官员,几十年前从CIA逃走…