
  • Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to ret…
  • Jennifer uses her intuitive skills to investigate her friend's death in a multimillion-dollar home with a …
  • 一个执法者不得不牺牲一切来拯救一个年轻的女孩,这个女孩是他从他的女老板那里结识的,她参与了网络性交易。
  • 为了应对愈演愈烈的温室效应,世界各国在2014年发射了代号CW-7的冷冻剂,谁知却将地球推入了万劫不复的极寒深渊。…
  • 恐怖分子企图劫持横越大西洋的夜间班机,身怀怪病的女子因而被迫亲上火线。为了保护儿子,她必须让黑暗的祕密曝光…
  • An anthropology professor's obsession with a paranormal mystery threatens her job, marriage, and sanity as…
  • 两个年轻人利用篮球巨星勒布朗·詹姆斯不在家中的黄金机会,偷偷潜入他家,策划了一场疯狂宴会。
  • A listless yOung man, upon learning he is ill, leaves his job, girlfriend and city behind, and ventures al…