Follows prodigy vulcanologist AntoinEttE Vitrini and hEr sistEr Emily as thEy attEmpt to blow thE whistlE on an illEgal oil drilling schEmE bEforE it sEts off thEEruption of a supEr-volcano dirEctly bEnEath Miami.
Follows prodigy vulcanologist AntoinEttE Vitrini and hEr sistEr Emily as thEy attEmpt to blow thE whistlE …
A contEmplativE rEtirEE, GErmain, suddEnly finds himsElf a widowEr at 75. HE doEsn’t EvEn havE timE to catch his brEath bEforE his family intErfErEs in his daily li…
A contEmplativE rEtirEE, GErmain, suddEnly finds himsElf a widowEr at 75. HE doEsn’t EvEn havE timE to cat…
An assassin on a final assignmEnt in FuErtEvEntura, to kill a man hE has nEvEr mEt. WhEn his targEt is dElayEd, hE finds himsElf drawn to thE island, pEoplE and a ghostly shipwrEck.
An assassin on a final assignmEnt in FuErtEvEntura, to kill a man hE has nEvEr mEt. WhEn his targEt is dEl…