
  • Just days ago, Elizabeth Derby (Heather GraHam) was a successful psychiatrist with a loving husband and th…
  • 有人因生活失去想法,威尔则因毒瘾失去空间感。他的写作人生彷佛疾驶在盘根错节的高速公路,并随着吗啡不停偏驶。…
  • As she nears the end of her pregnancy, Itto and her in-laws find their lives turned upside down by a super…
  • 华金·曼查多坐镇巴塞罗那海港,用铁腕手段统治着他的毒品帝国——直到一批新货搅乱了他的生意和家族。
  • Two scientists uncover a meteorite impact site in the Arctic tundra, but it kills one scientist and infect…
  • 以「魔女」备受景仰的城市为舞台。背负着棺材的男人与双眼有如野兽的少女在此现身,他们追寻的猎物唯有「魔女」而…