
  • A lone crimefighter battles the forces of evil with the help of an indestructible and artificially intelli…
  • 约翰(凯文史密斯)和裘蒂(安琪拉杜菁)两人合作经营一家侦探社,当他们接受新寡的性感美女拉娜(珍妮佛鲁宾)委…
  • 故事發生在冰島的房地產狂熱時期,一位加拿大籍的醫學生從患有思覺失調的外婆那裡繼承了一棟老房子。許多房地產開…
  • A scientist performing illegal stem cell research is trying to find a cure for cancer. After the transfer …
  • 妻子吴世妍(廉晶雅 饰)竟然要老公姜镇峰(柳承龙 饰)帮她寻找初恋情人?拿着超过30年的旧照片齐齐踏上寻找初恋…
  • 上集列车驶往釜山后,丧尸病毒瞬间全国爆发,4年后的韩国尸毒遍野,被全球孤立,沦为死城。所馀无几的生还者踏上…
  • After attempting to trick someone already down on their luck in order to win a workplace competition, a te…
  • The Muppets are back in a new zany comedy, Muppets from Space. The Muppets embark on a hilarious extra ter…