
  • 根据一个真实的美国故事改编,《孤独的士兵》讲述了杰克逊·哈洛的生活,从年轻的梦想家到被困扰的退伍军人,在这…
  • 生活就像被囚禁在一座以前看不见的监狱里,当这种情况发生时,我将永远不会允许任何人再次强迫我入狱。   阿尼…
  • 为了挽救儿子的期末露营之旅,这位单身母亲充当起了校车司机,并试图向儿子证明自己真的可以成为一位酷妈。
  • A young man takes her girlfriend back to his hometown in Oregon to introduce her to his family for the fir…
  • Maya, a wood factory worker. After losing her parents, Maya had to struggle to support her younger brother…
  • In the 1990s post-communist Slovakia, former woods worker Miki takes his chances to stArt doing business a…
  • 安德烈斯是一名在马德里工作的音乐老师,他不得不搬到巴斯克镇,在一所高中担任代课老师。他已经 40 多岁了,但一…